Jude Straume


At first glance, Jude is a short, well built hrothgar fellow who sports a thick Ala Mhigan brogue. He's honed his skill in hand to hand combat in order to protect himself along treacherous roads, and prides himself on being a fighter of considerable skill.Jude is a smug and swaggering fellow who often displays enthusiasm toward opportunity. Fighting is his passion, but he does not shy from taking odd jobs -- especially ones that may end up involving fighting anyway.


Hard training has made its mark on Jude's physique. He stands only at six fulms and five ilms, leaving him quite shorter than most hrothgar. He rather enjoys his stature regardless; any japes about his height fall uselessly to his feet.

Relatively short as he is, Jude lacks nothing when it comes to bulk. It swaths him in heaving, shifting mounds of muscle, swept with dark fur that actually serves to complement it well. As a note of pride in his body, Jude has adopted a particular custom of the Roegadyn -- he makes a point of showing his arms. Bulky deltoids, massive biceps, thick forearms and taut triceps are often on display. The muscles serve a middle ground between strength and aesthetics, the latter a nod to a streak of vanity he enjoys while the former is meant for advertisement.
(Note: Art by ShockJaws!)

Jude Straume Personality Image 1
Jude Straume - Art by Shockjaws!

His fur is very dark and smooth. He keeps his dark blue mane in locs that sweep over his right brow with braids at the side. His eyes are striking crimson and often sharp with focus. A stubbled square jaw, broad nose, wide muzzle and a neat goatee frame his face. His fangs are quite large and kept both sharp and clean.In addition to showing off his arms, Jude seems to favour silver accessories in the form of earrings and nipple piercings. Both are easily removed in preparation for a fight.


Jude carries himself enthusiastically and openly; on most matters the man is an open book -- or so it would seem. He's prone to levity, revelry and bawdiness as much as he's inclined toward observation, analysis and discussion. Jude is a man unafraid to express his wants and his ambitions, and holds quite a bit of pride in them.

His general bearing is a hodgepodge born of a few different influences. He is Hrothgar, but speaks with a deep Ala Mhigan brogue. He carries himself with the pride of an Ala Mhigan man as well. His preference for profanity in casual company seems to be something he's picked up from his Lominsan peers. Tough and unafraid of physical trials, he's usually one of the first to step forward for anything suitably rewarding. Food, drink, and good company all serve as currency to curry his favour, though few things speak louder than coin.

For all his bluster he is sometimes seen quietly studying in books or scrolls, though he sometimes opts to remain mum on the subject.

Jude Straume Appearance Image 2

■ Knowledge. Jude actively seeks it -- whether it's a matter of making himself more marketable or simply learning about the world around him and beyond.
■ Feasting. Good food and drink...how could he resist?■ Hedonism. Jude is a hedonist, and indulges himself thusly -- though with discretion. He knows that there's a time and place for everything.

■ Condescending behaviour: Jude dislikes being looked down on. Things said in the spirit of competition or messing with friends don't count. If he gets the sense that someone is looking down on him because of who and what he is, it irritates him.
■ Unbidden hostility. If he's done something to someone to deserve hostility, fine. People who approach him with aggressive hostility out of nowhere immediately earn his ire. He dislikes seeing it happen to others as well, but tends to mind his business then.

■ Reading. Jude enjoys reading immensely, and will immerse himself in all that he can -- be it fiction or non-fiction. This particular hobby is a dire secret.
■ Training -- it's more than a hobby for him, it's his life. Still, it makes him happy enough to do in the interest of passing time.■ Collecting. Jude collects little odds and ends. They seem to be the beginnings of a veritable hoard.

These are the people Jude has met on his travels. Some of the impressions presented are outward, others are inward and unspoken.

Alexios Qinelis


"Foreign. Rich. Dresses and speaks like a right ponce. Walks around with a huge bodyguard. Opportunity on two legs, for both coin and friendship."Jude encountered Alexios Thallan Qinelis II in the market streets of Ala Mhigo. The Sharlayan hyur had been scammed by a pair of unscrupulous men who took a delivery job and ran off with the coin. Jude, after properly identifying himself as a labourer, offered to complete the delivery.Alexios had Jude uncertain for a moment, but when the man said that they could be friends, most of his apprehension was put aside. He looks forward to seeing what this new connection will bring. All he has to do is resist calling the Sharlayan 'Alex'...

Alistair Greywolf

Alistair Greywolf

"A generous man. Very generous. Almost too generous. I was suspicious at first, but he turned out to be genuine."Jude was hired to assist Alistair with running his bar one evening and did what he could to prove himself up to the task. He was a bit wary of the man and his unprompted generousity at first, but eventually he began to realise that's just how Alistair carried himself. Still, there is a lot about the hyur that he doesn't know and is a bit curious about.Jude's occasional stints of employment at the bar have led to him calling Alistair 'bossman', even in casual situations.

Balthius Stark


"Seems like a friendly enough man...or maybe he's just flirty. Both, probably?Jude met Balthius at one of his occasional places of employment -- a bar. Jude himself had not worked there for quite some time, and in his absence it seemed that the Highlander had been taken on as an attendant. They had a brief conversation by way of introduction, and Jude found the man likeable.Balthius' mention of being a monk by trade captured Jude's attention and fascination. Jude was offered a spar, but he didn't think himself up to the task of taking on a monk of all fighters. He intends to accept one day to at least measure where he stands in comparison.

Diedrich Volker


"One of the nicest people I've ever met, honestly. Easygoing, kind, and always has a story to tell. Still, I wonder..."Jude was introduced to 'Dee' by way of Alistair and found the man charming. He hesitates to assign the word 'cute' to the massive Hrothgar but will assure anyone who is in doubt that Dee is approachable and a captivating conversationalist.As is often the case in such situations, Jude's curiousity has planted the idea in his mind that a large, scarred and kindly man is more than meets the eye. In the meantime, he'll stick to friendly conversation and assigning playful nicknames.

Milo North


"He's pretty damn cocky and I don't know what he's talking about half the time, but there's not a dull moment around him at least."Jude worked with Milo to assist with a job that turned out to be a bit more dangerous than his usual. It ended up being quite the adventure by Jude's standards, though he'd sooner not encounter any violent and strange monstrosities going forward.Milo was easygoing enough, and though he spoke of many things that Jude had no clue about there was also good enough conversation for the two to hit it off. Now, if he has to do any sort of work with or for Milo Jude makes sure to ask if there's going to be anything swooping down to kill them. That said, he's happy enough to just hang out with the man.


"A big man with a big heart, honestly. If you mess with him, you mess with me."Jude and Xen became unwitting roommates while seeking room and board in Ala Mhigo. The became made fast friends and have been looking out for each other since. They tend to get into a fair bit of trouble together.Towering and dark-furred, Xen is the first other Hrothgar that Jude has gotten himself properly acquainted with, and Jude has often found himself having to suppress his curiousity. Someday he hopes to find an appropriate time to ask the wealth of questions he has about Hrothgar clans and country.

Xen Azevia


"He's loaded, but not a snob. At least, not to us. Best kind of person to work with."Having done work for the strapping Miqo'te on another occasion, Jude as been eager to assure his friends of the man's merit, and even more eager to see some gil trickle down in the form of gainful employment.Aside from that, he enjoys Orion's easygoing and adventurous nature. Any employer who allows him to loosen up and do whatever task is at hand is a welcome one. The tattoos have been a subject of Jude's curiousity, but he's not yet had courage to ask about them.

Orion Llewellyn


"I think he's the first Thavnairian local that I've become friends with! He's a good man, and I will always appreciate that but he also introduced me to some really delicious food."After a misadventure that ended in good fortune, Jude found himself able to access an aetheryte in Thavnair. He began using it to travel there and explore the land and its people. While doing so, he met Sanjay, who greeted him like someone would greet an old friend.Together they had a meal and traveled the path through the jungle to a village within. To jude, it was quite the adventure. As a result, Sanjay left quite the impression on him. He is glad to call the Au Ra a friend.

Sanjay Deyal


Player Note:Hi there! I'm Jude's player. Thanks for visiting this page, I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen and read. If you have any questions about any of it -- or if you want to arrange a meeting between our characters, feel free to message me in game or in response to wherever I post this profile.Personal RP Limits:I try to accommodate as much as I can when I roleplay, but everyone has limits. I ask only that my limits be respected, as well as any communication I offer on them. In turn I will do my utmost to respect and adhere to your own limitations. If it turns out that our roleplaying styles/stories/characters are not compatible -- that's fine! There's no hard feelings, and I would likely still very much like to hear about your character's adventures as well as offer tales of mine.■ I will play: Heck, almost anything! A friend, a rival, a goon, an enemy, even as far as a long-lost relative, though extensive discussion and planning needs to take place before that. I enjoy combat RP, from one on one to large scale combat events. Count me in! Whatever the combat system is, I'll likely adapt to it just so I can get in on the fun. I enjoy plots with intrigue as well, and would be more than happy to hop in on that stuff. If you need an NPC for placeholding, feel free to contact me!I rarely shy from adult situations in roleplay so long as they are approached properly, legally and with IC/OOC boundaries in mind. There will be discussion and communication, of course. When it comes to matters of ERP, I prefer such scenes to be relevant to my character's plot and development. Sometimes I'll be up for writing a scene, other times I'll ask to fade to black. I'll add more as I think on!■ I won't play: The first no for me tends to be no godmoding/metagaming. It happens accidentally sometimes of course, and when it does I do my best to politely point it out via private messages. It's easy to work out a solution through mature and civil conversation. Character death is also no. I just made the guy, I'm not looking to kill him off or maim him just yet.DisclaimerJust a couple things for now. I'll add more as things become relevant.■ I am not my character. That's as simply as I can put it. Jude Straume is a product of fictional writing within the FFXIV universe. The things my character does and says do not necessarily reflect my own stances, opinions or choices of action. While I do my best to employ discretion to keep those exposed to my roleplay as comfortable as possible, I am very unlikely to change the very base of my characters to meet the demands of those who think the content of my roleplay does not appeal to them. In other words -- If something about my roleplay bothers someone, I will be mindful not to do it around them, but I will not change my character just because someone thinks I should.■ I am MORE than just my character. I am a person with a life (or at least I'd like to think so), and as much as I love it, roleplaying is not my top priority. I will do everything I can to accommodate those who wish to roleplay with me, but there will be times when I am unavailable, or engaged otherwise. I won't always be around to roleplay with you -- but that's where communication comes in.Potential Plot Hooks:Honestly, I'm completely open to a someone just approaching me and roleplaying to begin and establish a connection, but of course it's nice sometime to have a hook to grab onto! I've got a few.■ Any traveling Adventurer! I think that one speaks for itself!■ A prospective client. Looking to hire a courier, a temporary retainer or just someone to do an odd job?Feel free to approach!■ A fellow fighter! Bonding over punching things or sword fighting is always fun.■ Ala Mhigan natives/refugees/repatriates. Yes, just yes!■ I'll add more as I think of them, but feel free to contact me and ask if there's anything unlisted you had in mind!Character Lore Adherence:Oh, this ever-so-sticky topic. I like to think of myself as lore-compliant (and some would laugh at that declaration). However, I enjoy taking some of the blank spots and extrapolating in order to flesh out the small corner of the world my character lives in. Of course sometimes I have to make little changes based on information that's released, but -- honestly I think that just drives the whole 'lore compliant' thing home. There are times when I apply more bombastic elements to what already exists in order to provide intense roleplay experiences in line with what a Final Fantasy universe should feel like -- but even during those moments I do my best to stay within the bounds of what has been provided. I do not view the lore as a cage -- and I never will. If there is something that can be made reasonably plausible by following certain threads in the lore, I tend to be up for it. Please note the use of the word REASONABLE. If you wish to discuss any of this further with me, I'm open to being contacted.■ Changes/additions will be made as needed.